Productive week!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sambrm, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. Sambrm

    Sambrm Member

    Thanks all for the recent advice, I've been attacking various faults this week so thought I'd share my progress (what the faults were and how I sorted them).
    - water entering boot through rear light seals.
    Found a pair of new seals on ebay, doubled them up with the originals and this seems to have done the trick!

    - rear foglight not working. Couple of issues with this one, first and foremost I could have filled a kettle with the amount of water in the rear lights so that wouldn't have helped. Also contact cleaned all connections and it seems to have come to life. Still not perfect as it seems to have a mind of its own sometimes, but acceptable now.

    -Boot courtesy light not working. Fixed this one to the great guide on the forum, turned out to be a bent contact. Bent it back into the correct position and hey presto!

    -Heated rear window completely dead. Finally got somewhere with this one, following up on an idea from someone on the electrical thread; they suggested i may have tried 2 defective switches. I took the lamps out and gave them a contact cleaner swim overnight. Come the morning I plugged one in and it came to life! Also still not perfect as it turns out multiple parts of the screen element don't work, but very glad it's alive.

    Not a bad week all told, oh and also fixed the glove box light :beer2:
    Adam, Roverlike, GT- and 2 others like this.

    BRMFUN Fun in a BRuM Moderator Member

    Great work, I have been hearing all about this :)
  3. GT-

    GT- Urban Legend Member

    Lots of relatively straightforward fixes by the sounds, but they all add up!

    Good work :broon:
  4. Fast Alan

    Fast Alan Mr September Staff Member Member

    Well done ,you just can't beat a forum for advise :)
    BRMFUN and Sambrm like this.
  5. Roverlike

    Roverlike Garvin in Disguise Moderator Member

    Well done!
  6. Sambrm

    Sambrm Member

    Indeed they do! Next week I'll do battle with the sunroof, say a prayer for me
    GT- and Antony Parsons like this.
  7. Antony Parsons

    Antony Parsons Member Member

    good luck skipper lol
  8. GT-

    GT- Urban Legend Member

    The sunroof, eh? Do you know what you're letting yourself in for?
  9. Sambrm

    Sambrm Member

    I think so... pain and suffering

    But I can't keep going on getting rained on inside looking like I've pi****d myself!
  10. GT-

    GT- Urban Legend Member

    There's plenty of threads about it about, but I'm sure there will be plenty of help on offer.

    The key bits for me would be...
    1. The metal frame for the glass cartridge is rusting, pushing the rubber seal out of place.
    2. The drip-tray inside the sunroof mechanism has become detached from the blind, so it's not catching leaks and condensation water and feeding into the drains...
    3. The drains may be blocked, preventing the water from draining. This can be tested quickly by pouring some water into the drain channels when the sunroof is open and seeing if it pours out the bottom of the car. Helps to have dry land to see the wetness.

    Good luck!
    Philfrance and bennyboy7777 like this.
  11. Sambrm

    Sambrm Member

    Thanks, hopefully it will all go to plan. I've got a coulple of days off work so I'm just going to take my time with it, lots of cleaning and lots of re-sealing I should imagine.
    GT- likes this.

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