I am currently in 2 minds….. I bring SDV3, it’s still pi…ng down here and will be Sunday afternoon, however it won’t be too bad and a good run for it. Or do I bring 201 and plug in PScan on the trip to hopefully record the “blip” Mrs Fun could drive, with me on the computer, that said we could just do this on a trip to the nearest city for shopping….
I think you may need to get to the Esso station and dish out tickets before going on a spending spree first....even if you walk to get there FIRST!
Although not going here ,mines washed for an event down South ,immediately rained after doing it ,dressed the new tyres in some Megs to
Absolutely chucking it down at the moment up north, mucky brm it is for me, will be coming on my own which actually saves me a little time in the morning.